Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Lake Tahoe

My goal this year is to get caught up on my scrapbooking. This year has started out with a few deaths. There were 3 last week, and 2 earlier this year. Either of friends, or relations of friends. So I think I am feeling nostalgic, and I want to get my story ready for my kids. (at least what I captured of it) Anyway I took this trip with my dad before I moved out. I had a habit of cutting the pictures down to just the object. I am so mad at myself for that, it made me have a hard time getting inspired. These are some that I left for the most part whole. I think this LO turned out very pretty and soft just like Lake Tahoe. Well let me know what you think, I always appreciate comments.

Cartridge: Life's a beach Paper: SU dsp, SU baja breeze buttons: SU Stamps: "so swirly" Jumbo Wheel with baja breeze ink
I started heavily on scrapbooking on March 27, since then I have done 107 pages. I will post more. Some are just slapped on because I lack motivation because I cut around the objects. It's hard to put your "all" into a LO that has sucky pics!!!

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